Museum of Modern Art

San Francisco



20th Century Masters. The Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection
WASHINGTON D. C. National Gallery of Art 1982 / 1983
Expressionism. A German Intuiti­on 1905–1920
NEW YORK Guggenheim Museum 1980 / 1981
Santa Barbara collects: A loan exhibition of 20th century painting, drawing, collage and sculpture, from private collections in the vicinity of Santa Barbara, California
SAN FRANCISCO Museum of Art 1970
Man: Glory, Jest, and Riddle: A Survey of the Human Form through the Ages
SAN FRANCISCO Museum of Modern Art 1964 / 1965
Modern Masters in West Coast collections
SAN FRANCISCO Museum of Modern Art 1960
Expressionism: 1900–1955
MINNEAPOLIS Walker Art Center 1956
Loans from Bay Area Collections
SAN FRANCISCO Museum of Modern Art 1955
15th Anniversary Exhibition. Contemporary Art in the Bay Region 1950
SAN FRANCISCO Museum of Modern Art 1950
The Wright S. Ludington Collection
SAN FRANCISCO Museum of Art 1948
Symbolism in Painting
AUSTIN University of Texas 1947
Beckmann. His Recent Work From 1939 to 1945
NEW YORK Buchholz Gallery 1946a
Art of Our Time. Tenth Anniversary Ex­hibition
SAN FRANCISCO Museum of Art 1945
Carnegie International 1934. European Section Including a Representative Showing of Contem­porary American Painting
SAN FRANCISCO Museum of Art 1935


SFMOMA. Painting and Sculpture Highlights
SAN FRANCISCO Museum of Modern Art 2002
Nathan Oliveira: A Survey Exhibition 1957–1983
SAN FRANCISCO Museum of Modern Art 1984
Santa Barbara collects: A loan exhibition of 20th century painting, drawing, collage and sculpture, from private collections in the vicinity of Santa Barbara, California
SAN FRANCISCO Museum of Art 1970
Man: Glory, Jest, and Riddle: A Survey of the Human Form through the Ages
SAN FRANCISCO Museum of Modern Art 1964
Modern Masters in West Coast collections
SAN FRANCISCO Museum of Modern Art 1960
Loans from Bay Area Collections
SAN FRANCISCO Museum of Modern Art 1955
15th Anniversary Exhibition
SAN FRANCISCO Museum of Modern Art 1950
Art of Our Time. Tenth Anniversary Exhibition
SAN FRANCISCO Museum of Art 1945
Carnegie International 1934. European Section Including a Representative Showing of Contemporary American Painting
SAN FRANCISCO Museum of Art 1935

Weiterführende Informationen

Das Museum präsentierte 1948 die Ausstellung The Writh S. Ludington Collection, für die wohl kein Katalog erstellt wurde. Von Max Beckmann wurde das Triptychon Akrobaten gezeigt. Quelle gemäß GÖPEL ERHARD / GÖPEL BARBARA 1976: San Francisco Museum of Art Bulletin 1948.

Im Jahr 1950 zeigte man die Ausstellung 15th Anniversary Exhibition, bei der Max Beckmann womöglich mit 2 Gemälden vertreten war. Ein Katalog wurde wohl nicht erstellt. Quelle gemäß GÖPEL ERHARD / GÖPEL BARBARA 1976: Museum of Art.